Your family history

Looking for someone to help you find family members?

I am an experienced researcher both for family history and for finding family members that you perhaps lost touch with long ago or are yet to meet.

Full factual evidence supplied as proof that the research is validated. Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates (where applicable) and other documents presented for family history projects.

British in Belgaum, India

A gardener in Shere, Surrey - 1920's

London Wedding

Family portraits

Your grandparent's or family member's own story as a coffee table book

Would you like your grandparent's or great-grandparent's story? What was it like to be born when they were? Where did they live? Who else was there? What was happening in that area at the time they were growing up? Where did they travel to and settle? What might have made them move to that location? Where were the rest of their family? This historical and factual documentation of one member of your family can be supplemented with your own photographs and supplied as a coffee table book to share with other family members. Their birth, marriage and death certificates, where applicable, are included in the cost if required.

Contact Wendy for a sample or to discuss the commission you would like me to undertake for you.