Darkroom and Landing

This house had a darkroom on the upstairs landing, still left with string lines and clothes pegs for hanging prints on to be dried. This took me back many a year, back to when I would spend hours slopping chemicals around in trays and churning out black & white photos. Taught by my dad when I was tiny, I helped him throughout my teens with his photography and then we even did courses together back before photography changed completely. Oh my goodness, he would have loved it now had he not died in 1991, way before digital photography became a 'thing' and AI was unheard of. We are using this room to store our clutter. So much stuff from a huge house down south that we really need to now get rid of. This darkroom will be knocked through into Bedroom 2 and the shower room next to it will become Ensuite 2 eventually. 

When we moved in we removed a huge heavy velvet curtain from the top of the stairs as it was so dusty and horrid. We thought we would do without that there. Then we found all the heating from the lounge below was drifting up the stairs and our electricity bill was around £600 per month. That had to change so curtains bought for rooms we use and then we went to Oxfam in Dunoon and picked up these curtains for £10 to go at the top of the stairs until we decide how we are going to keep the heat downstairs in a more fashionable way. They work, that's the main thing!

Before clearance

Our clutter - no change there

Landing at top of stairs with Ensuite 2 door on left and the door to Bedroom 1 and what will be ensuite 1 to the right

The huge eaves, accessible from the landing and each of the upstairs bedrooms