Barca D'Alva

Barca D'Alva - 25 June 2023

From Regua to Barca D'Alva today through granite and port wine terraces, all in searing temperatures.

A relaxing morning spent travelling along the River Douro through mountain terraces. The mountains are terraced from top to toe and vines grown on such steep land that all harvesting is carried out by hand.

There was a demonstration onboard ship by the executive chef on how to make the Portuguese custard tarts and our friend Graham volunteered to be one of the two demonstrators. Hilarious presentation and Graham's attempt was deliberately sabotaged by the chef to show what to do when it all goes wrong. Graham was a really good sport and was presented with a signed toque.

Lunch and then a trip out to a hilltop village with an ancient castle. The temperature gauge was reading 43°!!!!! Searing heat, hotter than when we were in Australia and it's still 27° outside now at gone 11pm.

We stopped at a viewpoint on the way back to take photos of the Spanish / Portuguese border and we saw Egyptian Vultures flying across in front of us. (Zoom required so photos are from my camera rather than the mobile phone).

Back to dress for dinner and a cocktail party before a Taste of Portugal buffet and a flamenco show. We have to be up early tomorrow for the full day trip to Salamanca.